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Dagens läsvärda länk: Being gay in Iran
Being gay in Iran
Meeting in secret, living in fear: Members of Iran’s LGBT community tell of arrests, beatings, rape – and escape to the West. But ’people are showing less fear of the Islamic regime,’ they say.
>>Ynet News
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Här har ni era ”fredliga” ”aktivister” (hela händelseförloppet) [Video]
Vi kan ju börja med att sätta ribban genom att ta del av samtalet mellan israelerna och ”aktivisterna”.
– You are approaching an area of hostilities which is under a naval blockade. The Israeli government supports delivery of humanitarian supplies to the civilian population in the Gaza strip and invites you to enter the Ashdod port after which you can return to your home ports aboard the vessels on which you arrived.
– Shut the fuck up. Go back to Auschwitz.
Länkar: IDF Spokesperson DN SvD
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Dagens dänga (se, hör och lär!)
Yedida Freilich, a daughter of Australian immigrants, plays the piano and sings an original song that decribes international hypocrisy towards Israel as the video shows scenes of terrorists and their attacks on Israelis. The video, produced by photographer Daniel Sass, also features screenshots of kidnapped soldier Gilad Shalit and retired South African Judge Richard Goldstone, who authored a scathing report on Israel’s self-defensive Operation Cast Lead against the Hamas terrorist infrastructure.
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