Finland: I Israelisk press

Oj oj, som vanligt måste man läsa israeliska nättidningar för att få en ny och mer nyanserad bild av vad som sker i världen – i detta fall i Finland.

”The Finns have a long history of financial sobriety. Of all the European countries who took loans from the United States in the First World War, only Finland paid back in full, something that endeared Finland to the Americans. This may have deterred Stalin from swallowing up Finland along the lines of Eastern Europe following the Second World War. Following a major recession from 1991-1994, the Finns overcame it on their own. They now expect others to do the same.”

Eftersom detta är en så kallad pro-israelisk blogg så kan jag inte låta dessa rader, som kommer från fulfejset Timo Soini, bara passera:

“I don’t want to take Finland to war anywhere. This is an extremely grave reminder of the development that’s happened in different Arab countries, but when Mubarak left there wasn’t a democracy that materialized, there is a 75 year old general currently in power, that’s what has happened.
Where the Middle East is concerned, I am a friend of Israel I dare to say, which is surrounded by hostile Arab states. It has (Israel) the right to live and to exist.