Israel: Jahapp, vissa platser ska vara judefria

Som alltid när TT rapporterar så lyckas de på något vis vända nyheten till att israelen är ond och palestiniern god. [SvD] [DN] [Syd]
Tack och lov har vi internet och kan ta del av israeliska nyheter.
One Israeli worshiper was killed and four were wounded in Nablus early Sunday morning after their vehicle was shot at by a Palestinian Authority policeman as the group was exiting the city from prayer services held at Joseph’s Tomb. [jPost]
Generally, the coordination between Israeli and Palestinian security forces in the area is effective. A full investigation into the incident has been launched. The GOC Central Command said that in many cases Palestinian security forces work to extract Israelis who enter Palestinian cities safely, and the IDF sector commanders are in daily contact with their Palestinian counterparts.
”This was an abnormal event which does not characterize the nature of the relationship,” a military source said. ”It is possible that the group’s failure to coordinate the visit caused a misunderstanding. The matter is under investigation.” [Ynet]
The IDF and mainstream media reported the shooting spree as an ”incident” and not an attack although the worshippers were known to the PA as frequent visitors to the holy site. The government has not officially commented, but many coalition Knesset Members are up in arms over the PA police attack. [Arutz Sheva]
Several hours after the incident, dozens of Palestinians rioted near Joseph’s Tomb and set tires on fire, Israel Radio reported. Settlers claimed that Palestinians vandalized the holy site in the wake of the attack. [Ynet]
The tomb, which some believe to be the final resting place of the Biblical patriarch Joseph, is located in an area of the West Bank under full Palestinian control.
It was attacked and ransacked by Palestinians at the start of the Palestinian uprising in 2000, and one of the Israeli policemen stationed there was killed.
After 2003, Jews were allowed intermittent access, which was expanded in 2009 to one coordinated monthly midnight visit. [Ha’aretz]