Israel: En liten länk (Uppdaterad)

Jag blir alldeles matt och orkar inte skriva något om detta. Kolla länken istället och tänk efter.
Hamas Sees Need to Ban Israeli Clothing in Gaza.
Uppdatering: Så, hela världen dundrar och rasar över att israelerna ”blockerar” inflödet av varor och kläder och diverse krimskrams till Gaza. Svenne går bananas. Nu släpper israelerna in så mycket att de styrande i Gaza, Hamas, sätter stopp eftersom efterfrågan på insmugglade varor minskat (=de tjänar mindre pengar). Vad säger världen om detta? Ingenting. Vad säger Svenne? Ingenting. Han vet inte ens om det då de svenska tidningarna naturligtvis inte skriver om detta.
Kort sagt: otroligt.
Jag blir alldeles matt.
Läs mer här: Israel’s easing of restrictions on the transfer of goods to the Gaza Strip has caused a drop in demand for merchandise from tunnels.

Israel: Lyssna nu på Melanie Phillips

Läsaren Tom tipsade mig om denna artikel, skriven av den rappa, riviga Melanie Phillips som figurerat på bloggen tidigare. Några utdrag:

What’s happened is a pattern of thinking in the west which turns reality upside down. Remarkably, this in turn echoes a very similar inversion of reality within the Islamic world, where such inversion has a theological base.
Because Islam is considered perfect, its adherents can never do wrong. All their aggression is therefore represented as self-defence, while western/Israeli self-defence is said to be aggression.
So in this Orwellian universe the enslavement of Muslim women is said to represent their liberation; democracy is a means of enslavement from which the west must be freed; and the murder of Israelis is the purest form of justice.
(…) People believe that Israel was created as a way of redeeming Holocaust guilt. Accordingly, they believe that European Jews with no previous connection to Palestine — which they believe was the historic homeland of Palestinian Muslims who had lived there since time immemorial — were transplanted there as foreign invaders, from where they drove out the indigenous Arabs into the West Bank and Gaza. These are territories which Israel is now occupying illegally oppressing the Palestinians and frustrating the creation of a state of Palestine which would end the conflict.
Of course every one of those assumptions is false. But from those false assumptions proceeds the understandable belief not just that Israel’s behaviour is unjust, illegal and oppressive but that it is unjust and oppressive by virtue of its very existence.
For these people there is an urgent need for a proactive educational approach. No-one has ever told them that these beliefs are false – and when they are told, the effect is often transformative.
(…) So Israel and its defenders should be demanding of the world why it expects Israel alone to make compromises with people who have tried for nine decades to wipe out the Jewish presence in the land and are still firing rockets at it.
(…) Israel and its defenders should be asking why so-called friends in the west want a Palestine state, since once the IDF depart the disputed territories they will become in short order yet another Iranian-backed Islamic terrorist entity which will pose a further threat not just to Israel but to the west.
(…) They should be telling the Jews ‘own story of refugees and ethnic cleansing – the 800,000 Jews driven out of Arab lands after 1948, and who now make up more than half of Israel’s population. It’s good to see that at last Israel is beginning to bring this to the world’s attention. In Britain virtually no-one knows about it. At a stroke it takes the ground from under the feet of those demanding the ‘right of return’ for Arabs.
They should be holding Arab and Islamic democracy weeks on campus, to expose the oppression and persecution within that world against women, homosexuals and others.

Läs hela The challenge of public diplomacy vis-a-vis the delegitimisation of Israel.

Israel: Lyssna nu då

Det offentliga samtalet i Sverige har dominerats av kritik mot den enda demokratin i området, det vill säga Israel. Egypten och Jordanien med sina relativt öppna diktaturer har varit i blåsväder, men inte på grund av frånvaron av demokrati utan för freden med Israel. Hamas stenhårda diktatur har passerat obemärkt medan allt ljus har fokuserat på förbiseglande Ship to Gaza.

Det är ju det jag säger om och om igen, men inte många lyssnar.
Läs hela SvD:s ledare.

Israel: Läsvärt

Compared to her neighbours, Israel is a paragon of democracy, human rights and virtue. Paradoxically, however, these are just the things that Israel finds herself attacked over in the media and elsewhere. Of course, when so many journalists are stationed in such a small country, any indiscretions are likely to be magnified and turned into international news.
Indeed, an Israeli misdemeanor can make headlines while comparable or far worse incidents from Arab states will go completely unreported. So why is it that the mainstream media has only just discovered that a real human rights abuser in the form of Egyptian President Mubarak has been oppressing his people for nearly three decades?
Läs HR Comment: Egypt Exposes Media Hypocrisy på Honest Reporting.

Nu när Egypten är på tapeten så tycker jag att ni ska läsa ljuva Lisa Abramowicz (en riktig hjältinna som varje dag ger mig värdefulla lästips på Facebook) Kontakterna mellan Egypten och det judiska folket genom historien (som dock fick en annan rubrik på

Israel: Helgläsning

Hej och god fredag.
Ja ja, jag skulle ju ta långhelg men jag måste bara ge er lite helgläsning.

Israel i svensk debatt: en översikt

Läs! Och så har vi läxförhör på måndag morgon.
Tackar också läsaren som tipsade om nämnda text.
”Det finns inte ord för att beskriva hur knäppt det är då detta superfina land behandlas så fel och judarna som folk för den delen. (…) Fortsätt blogga Kim! Fantastiskt bra gjort! Grymt!”
God helg.