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Igår kväll valde Israel – efter en väldigt lång tävling – vokalisten som ska representera landet i Eurovision Song Contest och valet föll på den fantastiska Eden Golan. Här kommer ett inlägg på engelska. Bara för att.
It’s ’interesting’ to observe the burning Israel-hatred at the moment. For example the ’ban Israel from Eurovision’ lunatics.
Last night I saw some woman (with a very Swedish name, which doesn’t surprise me, unfortunately) commenting on a post on Eurovision’s Instagram and she was so stupid. First the same old ’ban Israel’ comments and then she posted a gif that said ”I stand with my Muslim friends”.
So she just said that
a) all Muslims are Hamas-loving terrorists and
b) there are no Muslims living in Israel.
And as I wrote on X-Twitter this morning: it’s the same disgusting people calling for a ban now, that do this every year – ongoing war or not. And it’s the same people that EVERY year ask ”Why is Israel even in Eurovision – it’s not a European country” but they NEVER ask why Australia is participating.
So, they are simply just Jew-haters and they are so stupid and I am so sick and tired of stupid people.
They really are like sheep and just run where ever all the other sheep are running. Just wait and see when the ’leader sheep’ changes directions – these idiots will follow.
(If you don’t know the rules of the EBU (European Broadcasting Union), you should just shut your hateful mouth.)