Israel: Klatschiga rubriker

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Vad är en rubrik som inte är Israelnegativ värd? Inte mycket va.
Rekommenderad läsning:
– The issue isn’t ”1967 lines.” It is the Jordan Valley.
– Hamas: Obama speech total failure (Med tanke på att de svenska tidningarna gullade med Hamas igår.)
– Netanyahu associate: Obama detached from reality.
– ’Israeli security can’t be maintained within ’67 lines’

Relaterade länkar: DN, DN, DN

Israel: F.T.W.I.L.I.

peace is niceNär de gosiga palestinierna attackerar en israelisk skolbuss lyckas den svenska presskåren förvränga händelsen till en israelisk attack mot ”gazabor”.
Jesus Kristus, jag orkar inte mer.
Fuck you, huligan-Sverige. We’re over. We’re so over.
450 skolbarn i södra Israel har evakuerats på grund av raketregn som ej nämns i de svenska tidningarna. Under tiden planerar väl Svenne nästa huliganskepp till gullefjuttmyspys-Hamas. Fy fan vad jag kommer att skratta när raketer regnar över Sverige och ingen i hela världen bryr sig.
Läs mer: Fred i Mellanöstern, Fredsprocessen, Israel i Sverige.
In a day when 22 mortars had already landed in the South, Palestinians launched two mortar shells on Friday evening from Gaza which landed in the grounds of a kibbutz in the Sha’ar Hanegev Regional Council. [Jerusalem Post]

Viktigare än raketer. Det är sånt här som håller super-Svenne vaken om nätterna. Aftonslynan är med sådana här "nyheter" stolt över att vara "störst i Sverige". Djeez.

Länkar: SvD <– ”Därmed har 17 palestinier dödats i israeliska hämndattacker mot Gaza för att en israelisk tonåring skadats svårt när en raket som avfyrats från Gaza träffade en skolbuss i torsdags.” Nej, SvD som sitter och räknar döda. Snarare därför att det regnar raketer över Israel – som ni inte nämner – och för att försöka få Hamas att fatta att de ska lägga av med att avfyra dessa. Otroligt osmakligt av er att ”räkna döda” och… liksom insinuera på detta vis. Lägg av!

Israel: ”Tonårspojke svårt skadad i palestinsk attack”

Nej, det handlade inte om ”skottväxling över Gazagräns” – det handlade om att huliganerna i Svennes förlovade Gaza attackerade israelerna (rättare sagt: en SKOLbuss), varpå israelerna slog tillbaka.
Som vanligt är den svenska pressen ute och valsar och sätter oseriösa rubriker.
Varför inte ”Tonårspojke svårt skadad i palestinsk attack”?
Norska VG är om möjligt ännu värre, eller vad sägs om ”Israelisk Gaza-aksjon etter rakettangrep”. Ha ha ha.
Läs också: 45 raketer och granater på tre timmar från Gazaterrorister mot civila i Israel, skolbuss träffad, flera människor skadade.
Uppdatering: ”Israel sköt ner raketer” – bravo, bravo.
Uppdatering 2: Återigen fel rubrik: [SvD] [DN] [Syd]
Länkar: SvD, DN, GPYnet, jPost

Israel: Aha, ni undrar varför jag gick över till SvD

Därför att de har tagit sig i kragen och är i dagsläget bäst på att rapportera ordentligt om det eviga dramat i Mellanöstern.

Att Goldstones artikel slår ner som en smärre bomb i Mellanösterndebatten är självklart med tanke på hur mycket rapporten har använts som slagträ, vilket även påpekas på dagens ledarsida. Därför är det ganska slående hur Ekot väljer att rapportera om nyheten.
Ekot som rent generellt är mycket ambitiösa och raska när det gäller att täcka såväl debatten om som nyheter från Mellanöstern lyckades denna gång dra benen efter sig tills igår, söndag innan man orkade berätta något om saken. Då publicerades storyn, men det var inte Goldstone som var nyheten – nej nej. I stället gjordes Israel till sakens huvudsakliga aktör under rubriken ”Israel kräver att FN-rapport skrotas”.

Läs: Ekots konstiga Goldstonerapportering.
Eller som en FB-vän uppdaterar idag:
Hamas attackerade Israel (lördag för en vecka sedan) med över 50 raketer. Raketer som inte riktar sig mot militära mål, utan avsiktligen riktas mot israels civilbefolkning. Raketerna orsakade både person och materiella skador i Israel.
Sveriges Radios rubrik: Fem skadade i Israelisk attack mot Gaza

Söndag. Fler raketer regnar ner i Israel från Gaza. Ett Israelisk stridsfordon blir påskjutet av en anti-tank missil.
Sveriges radios rubrik: Israeliska attacker mot Gazaremsan

Måndag. Israel bombar Hamas militära infrastruktur. Fyra identifierade terrorister dog när de skulle avfyra raketer mot israel. Fyra civila fick tyvärr sätta livet till när Israeliska soldater blev beskjuta och besvarade elden.
Sveriges radios rubrik: Åtta människor dödade i Gaza

Israel: Besattheten…

Den ensidiga besattheten fortsätter.
Israelisk flygattack mot Rafah. [Exp] [GP] [VG]
Israel planerar turistö utanför Gaza. (Det är väl bra, så varför denna krigsrubrik?)
Som vanligt är det tyst om palestiniernas terrorhandlingar mot civila israeler.
Hittills i år (och det är inte ens april ännu):


January 1
In the evening, a mortar shell fired by Palestinians in the Gaza Strip landed near a kibbutz in the Sha’ar Hanegev Regional Council. A woman suffered from shock, but no physical injuries or damage were reported. The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine claimed responsibility for mortar attacks that day, saying that it had fired four mortars at two military posts in Israel and adding that it would ”cling to the option of resistance and confront the Israeli occupation”. That night, Israel responded to the attack and to a separate attack two days earlier with airstrikes on two targets in the Gaza Strip, described by the Israel Defense Forces as a Hamas ”terrorist activity center” in the north and a ”weapons manufacturing facility” in the center of the territory. Palestinian rescue services said that two people were injured.
January 2
A projectile fired by Palestinians in the Gaza Strip hit the Eshkol Regional Council. The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestineand the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine claimed responsibility for attacks that day, saying they had fired several projectiles at Israeli targets late at night in response to ”ongoing Israeli aggression against the people of Gaza”. However, an Israeli military spokeswoman said she was not aware of any shells launched from Gaza at that time.
January 4
In the afternoon, a Qassam rocket fired by Palestinians in the northern Gaza Strip exploded near a kibbutz in the Ashkelon Coast Regional Council. No injuries were reported, but several greenhouses sustained damage. No militant group claimed responsibility. Israel responded that day with airstrikes on a Hamas militant training facility in the central part of the Gaza Strip and a smuggling tunnel in the south. No injuries were reported.
January 5
Two mortar shells fired by Palestinians in the Gaza Strip landed in open areas in the Eshkol Regional Council. No injuries or damage were reported. Five additional mortars hit the Eshkol Regional Council that day, according to the IDF website.
After nightfall, a Qassam rocket hit an open area in the Eshkol Regional Council. No injuries or damage were reported.
January 6
In the morning, a mortar shell fired by Palestinians in the Gaza Strip fell in the Sdot Negev Regional Council. No injuries or damage were reported. The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine claimed responsibility for mortar attacks at that time, saying that it had fired three shells at an Israeli military base near Kissufim. However, an Israeli military spokeswoman said she was not aware of any attacks in that area. Israel responded that night with airstrikes on two sites in the Gaza Strip, which it identified as aHamas terror base in the north and an infiltration tunnel in the south intended for carrying out attacks against Israelis. No injuries were reported.
January 7
Palestinians in the Gaza Strip fired a projectile at Israel. No injuries or damage were reported.
January 8
At about 2:20 pm, Palestinians in the Gaza Strip fired four 181-millimeter mortar shells at Israel, all of which landed in the Sha’ar Hanegev Regional Council. One of the shells hit a residential area within an agricultural community in the area. Three Thai foreign agricultural workers were injured, one seriously, one moderately and one lightly, all by shrapnel. A number of other people suffered from shock. The shell also killed a cat nearby. Palestinian Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility, saying that it had fired six mortar shells at an Israeli military post near Nahal Oz.
Towards the evening, an additional Palestinian mortar shell landed in an open area in the Eshkol Regional Council. No injuries or damage were reported.
After nightfall, Palestinians fired a Qassam rocket which landed in an open area in the Eshkol Regional Council. No injuries or damage were reported.
Within an hour, Palestinians fired a second Qassam rocket into the Eshkol Regional Council. Truck driver Yitzhak Zaafrani was lightly wounded in the face and his truck was damaged.
January 9
In the morning, Palestinians fired a Qassam rocket into the Eshkol Regional Council. No injuries or damage were reported. Israel responded overnight to the attacks of the previous two days with airstrikes on two terror activity targets in the Gaza Strip. No injuries were reported. According to DEBKA, the targets were Hamas underground command centers recently built by engineers from the Iranian Revolutionary Guard.
January 10
In the evening, Palestinians in the Gaza Strip fired three rockets at Israel. One hit an industrial area in Ashkelon, while the other two fell in the Ashkelon Coast Regional Council. No injuries or damage were reported.
Later, Palestinians fired another Qassam rocket which landed in an open area in the Eshkol Regional Council. No injuries were reported.
January 11
In the morning, Palestinians in the Gaza Strip fired a rocket which exploded south of Ashkelon. No injuries or damage were reported. Israel responded overnight to the attacks of the previous two days with airstrikes on two Hamas compounds and a Palestinian Islamic Jihad militant training base.
January 16
Palestinians in the Gaza Strip fired three mortar shells at Israel, all of which exploded in an open area near a kibbutz in the Sha’ar HaNegev Regional Council. No injuries or damage were reported. The Color Red siren did not sound.
January 17
In the morning, a Qassam rocket fired by Palestinians in the northern Gaza Strip exploded in an orchard near a community in the Sha’ar Hanegev Regional Council. No injuries or damage were reported.
January 18
In the early afternoon, four mortar shells fired by Palestinians in the Gaza Strip landed in open areas in the Eshkol Regional Council. No injuries or damage were reported.
January 21
A mortar fired by Palestinians in the Gaza Strip landed in an unspecified location in the western Negev. No injuries or damage were reported.
January 25
In the evening, a Qassam rocket fired by Palestinians in the Gaza Strip fell in an open area in the Sdot Negev Regional Council. No injuries or damage were reported.
Later in the evening, a second rocket exploded in an open area in the Eshkol Regional Council. No injuries or damage were reported.
January 31
A Qassam rocket fired by Palestinians in the Gaza Strip exploded in an open area in the Eshkol Regional Council. No injuries or damage were reported.
A Grad rocket landed near a residential neighborhood in the city of Netivot. The explosion disrupted a wedding in the vicinity of the landing site; four people suffered from shock, and damage was caused to a road and a parked car. Another Grad rocket exploded near the city of Ofakim a few minutes later, but no injuries or damage were reported.
Israel responded on 2 February with an airstrike on a smuggling tunnel under the Gaza-Egypt border. No injuries were reported. Israel also submitted a letter of complaint to the United Nations.


February 4
Palestinians in the Gaza Strip fired a Qassam rocket into the Sdot Negev Regional Council. No injuries or damage were reported. The Color Red alarm did not sound.
February 6
Palestinians in the Gaza Strip fired two mortar shells into the Sha’ar Hanegev Regional Council.
After nightfall, two additional mortar shells landed in open areas in the Eshkol Regional Council. No injuries or damage were reported in either incident.
February 8
At around 11 am, two mortar shells launched by Palestinians in the Gaza Strip landed in a kibbutz in the Sha’ar Hanegev Regional Council. One projectile landed in a parking lot, damaging a car. A second landed in a nearby field and damaged a hose. No injuries were reported.
Shortly after 2 pm, two more mortars were fired at the Sha’ar Hanegev Regional Council from the northern Gaza Strip. No injuries or damage were reported. The Color Red rocket alert system sounded during both attacks and residents of the area were asked to temporarily remain in their homes. Palestinian Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility, saying the attacks were directed at a military post east of Khan Younis.
Israel responded to the attacks with airstrikes on an infiltration tunnel in the northern Gaza Strip, a rocket manufacturing facility, and a third target near Jabaliya. Palestinian sources said that eight people were lightly injured.
February 9
The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine said that its militants fired a projectile at an Israeli military jeep in the morning. The Israel Defense Forces said they were not familiar with the incident.
February 14
Around noon, Palestinians in the Gaza Strip fired a Qassam rocket into the Eshkol Regional Council. No injuries or damage were reported. The attack, which occurred after several days of relative calm, coincided with the swearing of Benny Gantz as new Chief of Staff of the Israel Defense Forces. Ilana Curiel of Israel News speculated that the attack was a signal by Palestinian terror groups that they would not ”make life easy” for him.
February 23
Palestinians in the Gaza Strip fired three mortar shells at a kibbutz in the Sha’ar Hanegev Regional Council. One of the projectiles exploded near a soccer field, another near a pool and the third outside the border fence. No injuries were reported. The Color Red alarm did not sound. Palestinian Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility for mortars fired that day, saying it launched two shells at IDF forces which crossed the fence into the Gaza Strip.
Around 9:30 pm, Palestinians fired three Grad missiles at Beersheba, one of Israel’s largest cities. One of the missiles hit the backyard of a home in a residential area, causing extensive damage to surrounding houses and vehicles. Four residents – two adults and two children – were treated for shock. No physical injuries were reported. The Color Red alarm sounded through the city mere seconds before the explosion. This marked the first time Beersheba was hit by Palestinian rockets since the 2009 Gaza War.
Israel responded that day with an airstrike on a Palestinian Islamic Jihad cell in eastern Gaza City, wounding three militants. This was followed by several airstrikes on military targets throughout the Gaza Strip, which caused heavy damage to buildings. The following day, a further airstrike on a Hamas vehicle in the Al Salaam area of Rafah killed one person and wounded several others.
February 26
A mortar shell fired by Palestinians in the Gaza Strip landed in an open area in the Eshkol Regional Council. No injuries or damage were reported. Israel responded with airstrikes on Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad militant facilities in the Gaza Strip. Four Palestinians were lightly injured.
February 27
Palestinians in the Gaza Strip fired a Qassam rocket at the Eshkol Regional Council. No injuries or damage were reported. The Color Red alarm did not sound.
A mortar shell was fired from the northern Gaza Strip Israel but landed in Palestinian territory near the Erez border crossing. No injuries or damage were reported. Residents of three towns in the Shaar HaNegev and Ashkelon Coast regional councils were requested to remain in their protected spaces for fear of additional attacks.


March 3
During the night, Palestinians in the Gaza Strip fired a projectile at the Sdot Negev Regional Council. The Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine claimed responsibility for the attack, saying its militants had fired a C5K rocket at an Israeli military tower near Kissufim. ”We choose the option of resistance as the means to attain our national rights, and promise the Palestinian people that we will continue resistance against Israeli forces,” a statement from the group said.
March 4
Palestinians in the Gaza Strip fired two Qassam rockets at Israel. One exploded in the Sdot Negev Regional Council and the other apparently landed within Palestinian territory. No injuries or damage were reported.
March 5
Palestinians in the Gaza Strip fired a rocket at an unspecified site in the western Negev. No injuries or damage were reported. Israel responded with airstrikes on Hamas militant posts in Zeitoun, Deir al-Balah and Khan Younis. No injuries were reported.
March 9
After nightfall, a Qassam rocket fired by Palestinians in the Gaza Strip landed in an open area in the Eshkol Regional Council. No injuries or damage were reported.
March 16
Palestinians fired a rocket into Sderot. No injuries or damage were reported. Israel responded with an airstrike on a Hamas compound in the Gaza Strip, killing two Hamas militants and injuring one.
March 18
Palestinians in the Gaza Strip fired four mortar shells at Israel. Some fell in unspecified locations in the western Negev,and some fell within the Gaza Strip.
Around 4 pm, Palestinian terrorists fired six additional mortar shells into the Eshkol Regional Council. No injuries or damage were reported.
March 19
In the early morning, Palestinians in the Gaza Strip fired 54 mortars on Israeli communities within a period of 15 minutes. A man and his wife were wounded by shrapnel as they fled toward a safe zone. Several homes on a kibbutz were badly damaged. One mortar shell landed on the rooftop of a kindergarten, but the building was empty because it wasShabbat, the Jewish day of rest. Hamas claimed responsibility for the attack, saying it was a response to the death of two of the group’s militants in an Israeli airstrike several days earlier. According to The Telegraph, the unusually extreme attack by Hamas was an attempt by the Islamist group to divert its people’s wrath and to avoid being engulfed by the concurrent popular uprisings in the Middle East.
Israel responded with airstrikes and tank fire, killing one Hamas official and injuring four others.
March 20
On the Jewish holiday of Purim, Palestinians in the Gaza Strip fired a mortar and two Qassam rockets at Israel.
Later in the day, Palestinians fired a Grad missile at southern Ashkelon. One elderly woman was lightly injured, and several other people suffered from shock. Sirens were heard in the city. British Minister for the Middle East and North Africa Alistair Burt condemned Hamas for its attacks on Israel as well as its assaults on Palestinian protesters in the Gaza Strip, saying: ”Hamas should not think that while the attention of the world is elsewhere we will turn a blind eye to their actions. The indiscriminate targeting of Israeli citizens, as they celebrated the Jewish festival of Purim, is unacceptable.”
March 21
After nightfall, Palestinians in the Gaza Strip fired a Qassam rocket at the Eshkol Regional Council. No injuries or damage were reported.
March 22
Around 4 pm, Palestinians fired four mortar shells at Alumim and Sa’ad. No injuries or damage were reported.
In the evening, Palestinians fired a Grad missile from the northern Gaza Strip and several mortar shells at Ashkelon; the Grad landed south of the city. No injuries or damage were reported.
In the evening, the Israel Defense Forces attacked a Palestinian terror cell in the midst of preparing to fire a long-range rocket into Israel, killing four terrorists. Israeli military sources said the same terrorists were behind the Grad missile attack on Beersheba on 23 February.
March 23
During the night, Palestinians in the Gaza Strip fired a Grad missile at Ashdod, which landed in an open area south of the city. This was the first time Ashdod, one of Israel’s largest cities and relatively far from the Gaza Strip, was targeted since the Gaza War. Sirens were heard in the city and in nearby Gedera and Kiryat Malachi. No injuries or damage were reported. Palestinian Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility.
At 5:30 am, Palestinians launched another Grad missile at Beersheba. The rocket hit a street in the midst of a residential area. A 56-year-old man was injured by shrapnel that penetrated his third-floor apartment, and three other people suffered from shock. Several buildings, including a synagogue, were damaged. Fearing additional attacks, the city closed schools and universities for the day. Palestinian Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility, saying, ”This is an initial reaction to the Zionist crimes against our people in Gaza.”
Four hours later, Palestinians fired a third Grad missile at Beersheba, hitting an open area within the city.
Later, Palestinians fired seven mortar shells at the Eshkol Regional Council and one at the Shaar Hanegev Regional Council. Some of the shells contained white phosphorus.
US President Barack Obama condemned the attacks as well as a recent Palestinian terrorist bombing in Jerusalem ”in the strongest possible terms”, saying that ”there is never any possible justification for terrorism”. Israel responded to the attacks with airstrikes on terrorist training sites, weapons-smuggling tunnels under the Gaza-Egypt border, and an abandoned rocket launcher. No injuries were reported in the airstrikes.
March 24
Palestinians in the Gaza Strip fired twelve projectiles at Israeli towns throughout the day, reaching deep into the country. The Israeli cities of Beersheba, Ashdod and Kiryat Gatkept schools closed for the day, fearing additional attacks. The Ashkelon municipality held classes as usual, but the local Parents’ Committee urged residents to keep their children at home. EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton condemned the attacks as well as the recent Palestinian terrorist bombing in Jerusalem in ”the strongest terms”, adding that ”attacks on any civilians are completely unacceptable in any circumstance”. Details of some of the attacks:
During the night, Palestinians fired a Qassam rocket at the western Negev. No injuries or damage were reported.
In the morning, Palestinians fired a second Qassam rocket which landed in an open area south of Ashkelon. No injuries or damage were reported.
Shortly before 11 am, a third Palestinian rocket fired from the northern Gaza Strip exploded in an open area in the Eshkol Regional Council. No injuries or damage were reported.
Around 12:15 pm, a fourth Palestinian Qassam rocket landed in an open area in the Sha’ar Hanegev Regional Council. No injuries were reported.
Just before 2 pm, Palestinians fired a fifth rocket at the Eshkol Regional Council. No injuries were reported.
Two Grad missiles were fired at Ashdod. One struck south of the city and the other to its north; the explosion of the second projectile was heard in Yavne. The Color Red alarm was
heard throughout the city, as well as in Ashkelon, Gedera and Gan Yavne.
A few hours later, a rocket landed in Sderot and a mortar exploded in the Shaar Hanegev Regional Council. The Color Red alarm sounded. No injuries or damage were reported.
In the evening, Palestinians fired six mortar shells at the Eshkol Regional Council. No injuries or damage were reported.
Israel responded during the day with airstrikes on Hamas buildings in the Gaza Strip.
March 26
Early in the morning, Palestinians in the Gaza Strip fired two rockets into Israel. One landed in the Eshkol Regional Council, exploding three yards from a home in one of the area’s communities. The house was severely damaged but the eight family members who were sleeping inside were unharmed. Another home was moderately damaged. The second rocket landed in an open area in an unspecified location. No injuries were reported.
In the evening, a third rocket hit the Eshkol Regional Council. No injuries or damage were reported.
March 27
A Palestinian Islamic Jihad cell near Jabaliya was attempting to launch a projectile into Israel when it was targeted by an Israeli airstrike. Two PIJ militants were killed and three PIJ militants were wounded.
March 29
Palestinians fired an unspecified number of Qassam rockets at Sderot, but all the projectiles fell within the Gaza strip. The Color Red alarm sounded in the Israeli city.

List of Palestinian rocket attacks on Israel, 2011 <– Jag tycker att Svenne gott och väl kan ha denna sida som webbläsarens startsida.
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