Israel: Just därför (Uppdaterad)

Kanske, kanske börjar medborgarna snart förstå VARFÖR israelerna (med all rätt) stoppar alla dessa huliganfartyg.
Nu ska jag dock inte ha för höga tankar om vår hjärntvättade befolkning…

The ”Victoria” departed from Turkey, destined for El-Arish, where weapons from Iran would be smuggled to Hamas; ship is boarded by Naval Commando 13, expected to arrive in Ashdod.
The IDF seized a freighter ship with dozens of tons of weaponry from Iran headed for Hamas in the Gaza Strip on Tuesday.

Och här kan vi se vapnen som Svenne – som sitter i sin trygga (tror han) nordiska bubbla – inte kan förstå att israelerna inte vill ska komma fram till Hamas. Vapnen ska användas till att ha ihjäl så många civila judiska barn, kvinnor, män och husdjur som möjligt. Fatta nån gång då!

Israel bordade fartyg (klatschig svensk rubrik) [Syd] [DN] [GP]
Israel bordade vapensmugglarbåt
IDF seizes Gaza-bound arms vessel
IDF seizes freighter of Iranian weapons headed to Gaza
IDF seizes boat carrying weapons from Turkey to Gaza

Israel: Läs! + tal + censurerande svensk press

Ni måste läsa Three Jewish Children i Jerusalem Post.
Dessa rader bör få även judehatarens ögon att fuktas:

There was Elad, lying on a small throw rug wearing socks. His little hands were clenched into fists. What was a four-year-old to do against two grown men with knives? He clenched his fists. So did his big brother.

Och lyssna på detta korta klipp:

Vidare kan vi konstatera att både DN och SvD plockar bort Twinglylänkar som leder till icke-Israelhatiska bloggar. Det har hänt flera gånger (se Fredsprocessen) – tänk vilket vidrigt samhälle vi lever i: håller du inte med de israelhatiska tidningarna så censurerar de dig. Läs gärna den meningen högt.
Bilden är relevant.

Israel: Vänligen sluta glorifiera! (Uppdaterad)

Galet, galet, galet, men världen lallar med som vanligt.
Och vad säger skämtet FN? Ingeting.
In the reports, from Palestinian Media Watch, I learned that Dalal Mughrabi, the terrorist who, in 1978, was responsible for the most lethal attack against Israel, is now immortalized by having the following named for her: two elementary schools, a kindergarten, a computer center, summer camps, football tournaments, a community center, a sports team, a public square, a street, an election course, an adult education course, a university club, a dance troupe, a military unit, a dormitory in a youth center, a TV quiz team and a graduation ceremony.
I also learned that today, a Palestinian child can walk to school along a street named after the terrorist Abu Jihad, who planned a bus hijacking that killed 37, spend the day in a school named after Ahmad Yassin, the man who founded Hamas, play soccer in the afternoon in a tournament honoring terrorist Abd Al-Basset Odeh, who killed 31, and end his day at a youth center named after Abu Iyad, who was responsible for killing 11 Israeli Olympic athletes in Munich.
These are the heroes of Palestinian society—not Abraham Lincolns and Albert Einsteins and Martin Luther Kings, but murderers who crave the spilling of Jewish blood.
Läs mer.
Uppdatering: Ganska exakt mina egna ord.

It is an evil that sits in judgment of far away nations vying for land, or for God, or for whatever, its learned rulings based on the deep and considered knowledge that this segment is only five minutes long, and after that is the sports roundup, unless it is a really bad conflict, in which case, bloody hell, this is a freaking long report.

Läs hela The West is clueless.

Israel: Så här ser Gazaborna ut när de firar barnamord

Så låt oss fortsätta pumpa in pengar så att de ”palestinska” ledarna ska kunna fortsätta föra sitt eländiga krig medan de uppfostrar sina barn till att hata, hata, hata. Eller?

A Palestinian man distributes sweets in the streets of the southern Gaza Strip town of Rafah on March 12, 2011 to celebrate an attack which killed five Israeli settlers at the Itamar settlement near the West Bank city of Nablus.

Father and 3-month-old baby.

Under tiden koncentrerar sig media på att skriva sig gula och blå om att en jude vill snickra ihop ett hus.
Länkar: Daylife, INN, AB, SvD, SvD

Israel: Jubel i Gaza

Och vad gör de gosiga Gazaborna nu?
Jo, de är ute och firar att en gulleputtig palestinier mördade den judiska trebarnsfamiljen sexbarnsfamiljen (tre överlevde).
Glädjen är stor.

Gaza residents from the southern city of Rafah hit the streets Saturday to celebrate the terror attack in the West Bank settlement of Itamar where five family members were murdered in their sleep, including three children.

Läs mer: Ynet
Självklart firar inte alla, men att en endaste person firar ett barnamord är… Ja, ni förstår.

Between 22:20 and 22:30 the terrorists entered the house through the living room picture window, did not notice the 6-year-old boy sleeping on the couch and continued on to the bedroom where they slashed the throats of the father and newborn baby who were sleeping there. The mother came out of the bathroom and was stabbed on its threshold. The evidence shows that she tried to fight the terrorists.

They then slashed the throat of the 11-year old-son who was reading in bed. They did not notice the 2-year old asleep in his bed, but murdered the 3-year old with two stabs to his heart. After that, they locked the door, exited through the window and escaped.

Väldigt hemska bilder finns här.
Den palestinske ministern Riyad al-Maliki säger: ”No Palestinian in the past killed an infant and butchered people in such way based on a nationalistic or vengeful motive,” he said. ”This raises doubt as to Israel’s rush to accuse the Palestinians of committing this act.”
Han får dock svar på tal i en läsarkommentar:
”Is this Palestinian minister kidding me?
Fatah has a history with the glorification of sadistic murders like this. Jjust look at how they honor past suicide bombers who murdered civilians
Did he forget about the Shabo family massacre, where a Palestinian terrorist broke into the home of the Shabo family and shot and murdered Rachel Shabo and three of her children – 13-year-old Zvi, five-year-old Avishai, and 16-year-old Neria.
Did he forget about Koby Mandell and his friend Yosef Ishran who were bludgeoned to death with rocks by Palestinian terrorists in 01.
Did he forget that last year a central square in Ramallah was named after Dalal Mughrabi, who led the infamous Palestinian terrorist raid [the Coastal Road Massacre] against an Israeli bus in 1978, in which 37 Israelis, including 12 children were murdered.”
Uppdatering: Aftonbladets lilla ”notis” om den mördade trebarnsfamiljen kom till slut…

Jesus Kristus, Aftonbladet.

Ja, idag RASAR Svenne över ”de nya bosättningarna”, men som vanligt kommer inte hela sanningen fram:

Gov’t approves construction in settlement blocs
In aftermath of Itamar massacre, PMO says ’measured construction’ will take place in areas that will remain under Israeli sovereignty in any case.

Länkar: SvD, DN, Ynet, Jpost, INN (varning för starka bilder)
Läs också Araber mördar judisk familj på judiskt land.