Rockets Into Roses (Reklam) (Uppdaterad)

Make this Hanukkah extra special by lighting the Sderot Menorah in your home. Made entirely from kassam rockets that landed in Israel, its intricate detail and beauty are powerful symbols of the endurance of the Jewish People. The Sderot Menorah demonstrates the triumph of good over evil and the light of Israel over the darkness of terror.
Each menorah is hand made in Sderot by Yaron Bob, an Israeli artist who understands what it means to live in the shadow of terror. His metal art sculptures and menorahs create beauty from ashes and transform objects of war into expressions of peace and hope. This is the ongoing story of the Jewish People.
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Today, nearly one million residents of Israel live under daily threat of rocket attacks from Gaza. With only 15 seconds to find cover, lives are in jeopardy. By purchasing a menorah, or any other ’Rockets into Roses’ product, you become a partner in protecting Israeli citizens from future attacks. A portion of every purchase will be donated to build portable bomb shelters and save lives.

Och en sån har jag.

Uppdatering: Huligan-Hamas läste detta och tänkte att åh, israelerna behöver mer material till ljusstakarna. Därefter skickade de tre nya raketer.

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