What Kylie Minogue and Iran Have in Common When It Comes to Gay Asylum

Angående dagens nyhet

Homosexuella som inte kan vara öppna med sin läggning utan att förföljas i sina hemländer, har rätt till att få asyl i Storbritannien, beslöt brittiska Högsta domstolen på onsdagen.
Männen, som misshandlats i sina hemländer, hade tidigare nekats asyl med hänvisning till att de kunde undvika förföljelser genom vara diskreta med sin läggning. Detta avvisades alltså av HD.

…Så läser jag på gayrights.change.org:

(…) Which brings us to Kylie Minogue. It’s unusual that a major international pop star plays any sort of part in geopolitical affairs. It’s even more unusual for a pop star to be cited in a legal opinion by a high court. But Britain’s Supreme Court used Kylie Minogue as a cheeky example of why people should be afforded the right to live as openly as they can.
”Just as male heterosexuals are free to enjoy themselves playing rugby, drinking beer and talking about girls with their mates, so male homosexuals are to be free to enjoy themselves, going to Kylie concerts, drinking exotically coloured cocktails and talking about boys with their straight female mates,” the Court said.
Läs hela.
