Israel: Läsvärd länk

…Och nästa person som gnäller över den beryktade ”muren” får en fet smocka.
Now, listen to what happened Saturday. One or more terrorists infiltrated the community of Itamar, which is located beyond the protective fence. They butchered five family members with knives, including an 11-year-old child, a four-year-old boy, and a three-months-old baby girl.
Gaza residents celebrated the massacre, so this is not a case of individual madness. These are the same Palestinians who celebrated the death of thousands at the Twin Towers. These are the same people who are standing at the squares of Tehran, Damascus, Beirut and even Istanbul, screaming ”Death to Israel.” As it turns out, ”Israel” can also be a baby.
Let’s put ideology aside for a moment and only talk numbers. Before the fence was built, premeditated acts of horror were perpetrated within Israel regularly. In 2002 alone, some 189 Israelis were massacred in 53 terror attacks. As the fence kept expanding, hostilities declined, until in 2009 they stood at zero. So these are the numbers.
(…) The campaign against the Jewish state is disproportional in a way that cannot be explained away. I too admit that the Jews are an especially annoying people. Yet we do not tend to explode on buses as a form of revenge; not even in Germany. At most we’ll argue with you until you die of boredom. (Ha ha ha.)
(…) By the way, guess what the next target for extermination is? You really don’t know? Go ahead and look in the mirror. In Brussels, Paris, London and Malmö you shall soon be an extinct species fighting for its survival under Islamic laws.
Läs hela Moment of truth for leftists.